Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Science, University of California Davis, 2008
Haag Engineering - Senior Forensic Meteorologist - Kansas City, Missouri
National Weather Service - Senior Forecaster - Kansas City, Missouri
National Weather Service - General Forecaster - Topeka, Kansas
National Weather Service - Meteorological Intern - Topeka, Kansas
National Weather Service - Student Career Experience Program - Sacramento, California
American Meteorological Society
Certified Consulting Meteorologist:
November 22, 2022
Blair, Scott F., Jennifer M. Laflin, Dennis E. Cavanaugh, Kristopher J. Sanders, Scott R. Currens, Justin I. Pullin, Dylan T. Cooper, Derek R. Deroche, Jared W. Leighton, Robert V. Fritchie, Mike J. Mezeul II, Barrett T. Goudeau, Stephen J. Kreller, John J. Bosco, Charley M. Kelly, and Holly M. Mallinson. High-Resolution Hail Observations: Implications for NWS Warning Operations. Weather and Forecasting 32.3 (2017): 1101-1119.
Blair, Scott F., Jared W. Leighton, 2014: Assessing Real-Time Tornado Information Disseminated through NWS Products. Wea. Forecasting, 29, 591-600.
Boustead, Joshua M., Barbara E. Mayes, William Gargan, Jared W. Leighton, George Phillips, Philip N. Schumacher, 2013: Discriminating Environmental Conditions for Significant Warm Sector and Boundary Tornadoes in Parts of the Great Plains. Wea. Forecasting, 28, 1498–1523.
Blair, S. F., and J. W. Leighton, 2012: Creating High-Resolution Hail Datasets Using Social Media and Post-storm Ground Surveys. Electronic J. Operational Meteor., 13 (3), 32-45.
Blair, S. F., D. R. Deroche, J. M. Boustead, J. W. Leighton, B. L. Barjenbruch, and W. P. Gargan, 2011: A Radar-Based Assessment of the Detectability of Giant Hail. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 6 (7), 1–30.
Boustead, J., B. Mayes, W. Gargan, G. Phillips, and J. Leighton, 2010: Composite Analysis of Environmental Conditions Favorable for Significant Tornadoes Across Eastern Kansas. Preprints, 25th Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P9.4.
Leighton, Jared, and Kelly Allen, 2023, How Six NWS Offices Provided Mutual Aid and IDSS for Kansas City’s Largest Outdoor Event. 48th National Weather Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
Blair, S. F., J. W. Leighton, 2014: Assessing Real-Time Tornado Information Disseminated Through NWS Products. 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., AMS Online, 3A.2.
Blair, S. F., D. E. Cavanaugh, J. M. Laflin, J. W. Leighton, and K. J. Sanders, 2014: High-Resolution Hail Observations: Implications for NWS Warning Operations and Climatological Data. 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., AMS Online, 5.3.
Blair, S., J. M. Laflin, D. R. Deroche, J. W. Leighton, 2012, S-Band Polarimetric Analysis of the 23 May 2011 Oklahoma Record Hailstorm Using High-Resolution Observations during HailSTONE. 26th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Leighton, J. and B. Mayes, 2011: Ranking the 2009 Christmas Blizzard Using Standardized Anomalies. 15th Annual High Plains Conference, Wichita, KS, 2.2.
Blair, S. and J. Leighton, 2011: Kansas Record Hail and the Power of Social Media. 15th Annual High Plains Conference, Wichita, KS, 1.2.
Blair, S., D. Deroche, J. Boustead, J. Leighton, B. Barjenbruch, and W. Gargan, 2011: A Radar-Based Assessment of the Detectability of Giant Hail. 15th Annual High Plains Conference, Wichita, KS, 1.7.
Blair, S., D. Deroche, J. Boustead, J. Leighton, B. Barjenbruch, and W. Gargan, 2010: An Operational Assessment of the Predictability of Giant Hail Events. 25th Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P11.4. [Abstract]
Boustead, J. M., G. Phillips, W. Gargan, J. Leighton, and B. E. Mayes, 2009: Composite Analysis of Environmental Conditions Favorable for Significant Tornadoes Across Eastern Kansas. Preprints, 23rd Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, Omaha, NE., Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Leighton, J., J. Mathews, 2009: An Exception to the Internal Dynamics Method: 21 February 2005 Tornadoes in the Southern Sacramento Valley. 13th Annual High Plains Conference, North Platte, Nebraska.
Boustead, J., B. Mayes, W. Gargan, G. Phillips, and J. Leighton, 2009: Composite Analysis of Environmental Conditions Favorable for Significant Tornadoes Across Eastern Kansas. 13th Annual High Plains Conference, North Platte, Nebraska.
Leighton, J., S. Blair, J. Boustead, 2014: Preliminary Investigation of Environments Associated With Slow-Moving Supercells: Tornadic and Non Tornadic. Poster, 27th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P7.97. [Abstract] [Program Link]
Leighton, J. and S. Blair, 2012: An Assessment of Real-Time Tornado Information Disseminated through NWS Tornado Warnings and Statements. Poster, 26th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P11.151. [Abstract] [Program Link]
Blair, S. and J. Leighton, 2012: Creating High-Resolution Hail Datasets Using Social Media and Post-storm Ground Surveys. Poster, 26th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P2.22. [Abstract]
Blair, S. and J. Leighton, 2011: Creating High-Resolution Hail Datasets Using Social Media and Post-storm Ground Surveys. Poster, 36th Conference National Weather Association, Birmingham, Alabama. P1.32. [Abstract]
Boustead, J. M., B. E. Mayes, W. Gargan, G. Phillips, and J. Leighton, 2010: Composite Analysis of Environmental Conditions Favorable for Significant Tornadoes Across Eastern Kansas. Poster, 25th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P9.4. [Extended Abstract]
Laflin, J., S. Blair, B. Temeyer, P. Schumacher, J. Leighton, and T. Heitkamp, 2011: Societal Perceptions of the Warning Process for Gustnadoes. Poster, 36th Conference National Weather Association, Birmingham, Alabama. P2.27.
Leighton, J., S. Blair, J. Bowen, and M. Anderson, 2011: A Long-Lived Supercell with Intense Gustnadoes on 3 April 2011. Poster, 15th Annual High Plains Conference, Wichita, Kansas. P1.1. [Abstract]
June 2013: HailSTONE (A Hail Spatial and Temporal Observing Network Effort): Hail impact and documentation
May 2012: HailSTONE (A Hail Spatial and Temporal Observing Network Effort): Hail impact and documentation
May 2011: HailSTONE (A Hail Spatial and Temporal Observing Network Effort): Post-storm hail collection and documentation